Press Kit

Le Quartier Libre- Charles-Olivier Bourque
[…] and an audiovisual and culinary diptych by Barbara Finck-Beccafico. In sum, a remarkable Ultrasons series that uncovers the burgeoning work of these young Montreal artists full of talent.
*Photo of the installation Recylclabe Comfort on the cover of the article
Printemps numérique - Pierre-Luc Senécal
They say their music is psyche-pop lo-fi. Difficult to find a better description. Founded by a powerful female duo, Montreal based band about: achieves wonders with its beautiful eclecticism. Third EP of a series of four Nirodha continues to surprise us with enveloping electronic symphonies, where the voices resonate with strength and arrogance we might associate to the irreverent Betty Bonifassi. The electro feel creates cinematic atmospheres (like Pawa Up First) while offering more organic and acoustic sounds. To follow closely.. 4/5
Journal Métro - Émilie Bergeron
‘Nirodha’ offers a lo-fi musical experience, which is accompanied by a number of various styles which seem to range from electronic and dance to some mild trip-hop elements. The four tracks offer a slow grooving experience that pushes along at an almost sluggish pace, that suits the style of the duo. There’s many elements at work on this EP release, all of which come together to provide a rewarding experience.
The CD Critic (UK)
The style mixes in classic French influences with what we are hearing over in Scandinavia at the moment, leaving you kind of enthralled and mesmerised by the creativity and heart embedded in their sound."
Blushing Panda (UK)
A great discovery, which makes me regret not having jumped on the first two EPs, but never mind, I am already looking forward to the fourth!
Le Draveur (montreal)
Awesome indie band marketing! Well done. And the music is FANTASTIC. Buy their music! Cant’s stop listening to these awesome songs. Amazing band.
Matt Sternberg (Ex-Vice-President Marketing for Universal Music Group)
Let’s talk experimentation, mixing acoustic instruments and heavy electro textures, creating both dark and ethereal music environments.
La Presse (montreal)
about: is a female duo based in Montreal, with Barbara Finck-Beccafico (vocals, lyrics and videos) and Michèle Bernier-Martin (keyboards, drum machines and vocals) which launched the third EP of a series of four, launched little over a year. More than a musical experience, the two girls use their stage performance like real happenings and we can definitely hear this in this theatricality assumed album. Difficult to classify this style of music but we could situate it between psychedelic music, electro, dream-pop and shoegaze. A happy blend that gives a unique and dense sound.
Le Canal Auditif - Les EP du mois de Juin
It is the electro-pop of "One of those" in which transpires intrusive electronics but the rails of good taste, the psych atmosphere of "Shame", a song that highlights the vocal talents of Beccafico. The songs in queue to arouse the more interested: "Collateral Damage" is the masterpiece of the EP between de-structuring that are based on folk and environmental settings, vocal solos and rough jazz nuances, and the final "Et Demain" (characterized, in the first part , by a spoken-word in French) traces more or less the same way but by looking for a dreamy approach, without sacrificing the heavy raids electronic equipment. There is much potential that is expressed in this third EP. The duo constantly puts into the game and still managed to maintain a strong identity, supported by content that fit perfectly with the musical architectures built. We just have to wait for the final EP to get an overall picture of their abilities. But these early works are already a confirmation of their talent.
Son of marketing (Italy)
For the lovers of the band Pawa Up Frist, and for its atmospheric and trip-hop feeling (that makes us think of Betty Bonifassi in a way), the sound of about: is definitely fitting.
Charts #1 Et demain
Charts #6 Amour métastasé
Boulimique de musique (CISM)
Their music is very expansive and full, layered with dream-like keys, deep bass. It pairs perfectly with the grounded, earthy guitars and vocals, creating a sound that is both familiar and new.
Baltimore Post-Examiner
about: definitely has an artistic understanding that not many band. This is what makes you want to push the boundaries of discovery, open its horizons and look forward to the next album…
CAMUZ (montreal)
Dukkha (7/10) Promising start of this tetralogy: the album is somewhat dark and sometimes too hermetic. But patience…
Samudaya (7.8/10) The 2nd EP of this series is surprising. More rock. This album is dark too, but very stimulating and beautiful 7.8/10
Nirodha (7.7/10) This time the folk is set aside to let very interesting hip-hop beats penetrate the layers of sound. On vocals, Barbara claims her lyrics with confidence, knowing how to be sweet and poignant. It is still dark, but never overwhelming. Mesmerizing evolution. Keep on!
Marga (7.4/10) Barbara is perhaps more skilled in English but has a charming tone of voice in French. Coloring its music (as the first of the tetralogy) with Hip-Hop and Electro elements. The group closes the loop of a dark (although here we feel a desire to let the light in) but such a smart and successful project.
Top 40 Charts #31 EP Nirodha
Poste d’écoute – Frédéric Bussières
Dukkha - Where you were being pulled wildly behind in the last release, this finds you in the drivers seat, pushed by the beats and rhythms, unsure where you are going, but continuing with fervor nonetheless.
Marion Art Blog (Wiskonsin, USA)
Samudaya - about: seems to build it's songs through a process of discovery, allowing each to meander, build, fall and layer before you reach the conclusion.
Marion Art Blog (Wiskonsin, USA)